
Wizards Wrath access: World of Warcraft does not compare with the first test on September 8

"Wizards of anger" in China's first test Tasting you smile at the curtain fell, the first test version of the part. After the meeting, the game's current progress and future plans, "a shaman's anger," product manager Wan Peng, reporters interviewed and answered a lot of wow gold "witch's anger," the related issues. The following is the Record of interview.
Q: We noticed that the outside world before the Wizards take on the frequent anger and World of Warcraft and other games do the comparison. This is how you look at China operations teams this issue?
A: Actually we have never not wanted to go and do the comparison of individual games. Each market-proven as a good, successful game products, has its irreplaceable advantages, the shaman's anger as well. MMOSITE in 2011 was awarded the shaman's Wrath of the world's top ten games, and won the award along with World of Warcraft. Facts have proved that as long as the good of the game, can coexist in the market, and was accepted by the public. We want players in the first test when the good feelings of anger shaman's unique charm.Q: What wizards Wrath of the game engine used?
A: The Wrath of shaman in the initial development, when in fact want to use some sophisticated engines available in the market, that is, through the purchase of way to solve. However, due to the shaman's anger is not a simple MMORPG, it also has some of the time and even now has the same type of games do not have the model, such as exploration and interplanetary spacecraft, ships models, this engine efficiency and performance requirements are high. So Astrum Nival determine their own R & D game engine.
And now we see the game finished, the screen and overall performance optimization, including large regions of space, with the screen over the calculus, all have very good performance, proving that the decision was correct. And now I understand some of the finest studio at home and abroad are taking a similar approach.
Q: We noticed the name of the NPC in the game are mostly Russian-style names, such as "Chomsky", "Karimov" and so on. This name is a little strange?Has consideration been given to re-polish their names?
A: This also is entangled for a long time problem. But in the end we decided to retain the original names, with the game highly distinctive architectural features, some exotic costumes, to let players experience Sa Nuote more comprehensive on the continent exotic. In fact, in our testing process, gradually found that the name of the player will not only hinder it, it would be the game of a new landscape. Hope to open a formal test of time, there will be more players realize.
Q: Wizards Wrath and Al light (microblogging) is considered a giant wow gold network of agents to enter the online segments of the symbol, what the future will take this opportunity to agents more overseas games?
A: The Wrath of the shaman is a giant network of overseas agents operating the first MMORPG, Al is the first light of the agents operating overseas casual games. We can say that the two products is a giant in the initial segments of wading. Whether the company's future will be more action I do not know, but I and my team want to anger by the success of the shaman, to allow industry to see a slightly different giant.
Q: The Wrath of Wizards of the specific operations are overseas, how?
A: Wrath of the shaman's version of the various regions of the world there are some subtle differences to Europe's version of speed is relatively fast. We learned from the Russian side, in Europe, the Americas the number of users to maintain a stable growth, while in Europe just before the big version update, the number of registered users there is a clear upward trend.
The current status of overseas operations is relatively healthy, another important reason is the content development team persistently updates, an average of two weeks a small update, 1 to 3 months, a large version, which is the shaman's anger in the Overseas remain high heat the key factor.
Q: The beta version in China and the overseas version is said to remain basically the same, is it?
A: September 8, the test version, we introduced the overseas versions of most of the elements, but we will go to the players level and the area to make some appropriate limit. But as the test progresses, we hope the majority of players can play as soon as possible to the world even closer to synchronize the contents of the version.
Q: About the game fees, Wrath of the shaman what the future will be used charging methods?
A: It is "not pit father" props charging mode, but the giant network of "witch's anger," the most important positioning is to attract users with different preferences before, so we each pay for content will be very careful that any willplayers create the game feel bad influence charges, and we will not be accepted.
Meanwhile overseas, as part of the state of props charging operators are not familiar with the pricing strategy caused the error, we will avoid.
Q: Wrath of the shaman's guild system in the future there will be corresponding to the system support and updates?
A: The Wrath of Wizards players association attaches great importance to the organization of the building, some experienced players who served outside the forum of the Association to reflect that the current system, although the game has been more complete, but also a bit weak. In fact we are a long time ago, this issue has been submitted to the development team, and the other more attention to this issue in the past year has been gradually developed to upgrade the Society, the Society shirt, floating island compete for astral AssociationSociety of war and other content and games are played. Will also continue to strengthen the Association after the development of relevant content.
Q: before experienced overseas version of the gamers, shipbuilding takes a long time, the problem I do not know whether the Russian development team has noted that whether the future will do to change?
A: Because the European and American players and players of the difference of China, in fact, it is not considered a "problem." Foreign players are usually in the shipbuilding process a number of other things to do, but it seems the players in China, perhaps this process is a bit too long. We are also in-depth communication and Russian content in this area, this problem will be resolved later version.
Q: What have Chinese characteristics, elements in the game it?
A: The Russian team of Chinese elements - including but not limited to the Chinese localization of clothing, props, equipment, tasks, and even features a scene - have always been very strong interest, they also hope to find a more appropriate cut point to a more natural way to elements implanted with Chinese characteristics into the game. Strong art team has had some great Chinese characteristics set graph, at the right time we will publish.

Q: The test version will contain all presentations before the spacecraft to the system?
A: The Wrath of the spacecraft system is a shaman very important future core system. Players need to ship, go to the more regional, more props. But at present there are still many problems in this system, the most important point may be difficult to operate and team collaboration more difficult. Therefore, in this test, because the level of restrictions reasons, not the players yet to experience the spacecraft and the corresponding floating island. We will be able to experience the next test in this part, and in the first test the activities of players will be able to get a second test of eligibility and limited spree!
Q: Wizards Wrath of the overall art style may not like the type of Asian players in the cultural differences that may cause the loss of players or resentment, which is whether there will be corresponding to the official?
A: This can, please be assured that although Russia's development team, there are many exotic game, but we are released from the original painting, video, game screenshots, "a shaman's anger" of the overall art style is very welcomed by the players Wrath of the shaman can be seen in the cultural differences are benign, this difference becomes a new experience, which is the current MMO market is missing.
Q: Today Tasting test version, it is the first test on September 8 the final version?
A: Basically yes. However, there are still some time away from the start of the test, we are still overcoming jet lag these days in Russia and maintain close communication, investigation and try to solve problems that may exist in versions. And add a lot of the first test experience unique activities and games content. 

We hope that the first test, as far as possible give wow gold the player a satisfying gaming experience. Of course, as the first test, we also draw the player holding the proposed approach to treatment. In the final part of the game such as the updated guide, September 8 in the packaging and testing for the first time, hope that the players concerned. 

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